Fachstelle für Prozessbegleitung für Kinder und Jugendliche

About us – Agency for Court Assistance
for Children and Adolescents

The Agency for Court Assistance for Children and Adolescents was founded in 2013. It is part of the Association of Austrian Child Protection Centers, since Child Protection Centers are the main providers for Court Assistance for minor crime victims in Austria.

In Austria, crime victims who have been exposed to physical or sexual violence or to dangerous threats have a right to be supported by psychosocial and legal Court Assistance during the criminal proceedings. Children and Adolescents who have witnessed violence (domestic violence or violence against other children) also have the right to obtain Court Assistance.
Find more information on Court Assistance here.
Children and adolescents who have been exposed to physical, sexual or psychological violence have specific needs and concerns which have to be considered in all criminal proceedings.

The Agency is managed by Barbara Neudecker. She is supported by an advisory panel („Fachbeirat“) consisting of representatives from different organisations providing Court Assistance for child victims. The members of this council do not only represent Child Protection Centers but also other instititions specialized in supporting child victims of violence and  abuse.


The Agency’s tasks are:

  • Quality management of Court Assistance for child victims
  • Professional contact point for court assistants for children and adolescents
  • Representation of organisations specialized on child victims in official committees (e.g. in the Austrian Federal Ministry of Justice)
  • Facilitation of cooperation between Court Assistance and other professions involved in law proceedings concerning child victims
  • Information and sensitisation about the specific needs of children and adolescents in judicial proceedings

The Agency also provides training courses, supervision and cooperative meetings for court assistants for children and adolescents.



Mag.a Barbara Neudecker, MA
Stutterheimstraße 16-18/2/3/20b, 1150 Wien


If you are a crime victim and seek Court Assistance or if you have specific questions regarding a case, please contact your nearest institution offering Court Assistance.


The Agency for Court Assistance is supported by the Austrian Federal Chancellery, Minister for Women, Families and Youth.

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